〔編譯魏國金/綜合紐約二十五日外電報導〕利比亞領導人格達費二十三日在聯合國大會演講台上滔滔不絕講了九十四分鐘,不僅讓各國代表險些抓狂,也讓他的口譯員崩潰大呼:「我再也受不了了!」接手翻譯的聯合國阿拉伯事務主管阿加亞金說:「我入行二十五年來,頭一次看到這種場面。」 演說超時 5 倍多
原英文報導來自 NY Post: Translator collapsed during Khadafy's rambling diatribe
After struggling to turn Khadafy’s insane ramblings at the UN into English for 75 minutes, the Libyan dictator’s personal interpreter got lost in translation.
"I just can’t take it any more," Khadafy’s interpreter shouted into the live microphone – in Arabic.
At that point, the U.N.’s Arabic section chief, Rasha Ajalyaqeen, took over and translated the final 20 minutes of the speech.
"His interpreter just collapsed – this is the first time I have seen this in 25 years," another U.N. Arabic interpreter told The Post.
Breaking with protocol, Khadafy brought his own interpreters from Tripoli for Wednesday’s speech rather than use one of the 25 Arabic translators supplied by the United Nations, staff interpreters said.
"This is the best team in the world – most heads of state prefer to use U.N. interpreters because then – no matter what happens – they can blame the interpreter," one staffer said.
Khadafy told the U.N. that he was supplying his own French and English interpreters because he would be speaking a special dialect only they would understand, but staff interpreters said he actually spoke standard Arabic.
Those who have translated for Khadafy in the past said they could empathize with his interpretator’s exasperation.
It’s not just the zany conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination and swine flu that are a challenge, but the loony Libyan’s strange mannerisms.
"He’s not exactly the most lucid speaker," another Arabic interpreter said. "It’s not just that what he’s saying is illogical, but the way he’s saying it is bizarre. However, I think I could have made him sound a lot better."
Khadafy has a habit of repeating the same phrase over and over again, "which is good because if you don’t understand what he says the first time you can get it right the second or third time," the interpreter said.
The Colonel extemporaneous ramblings are a particular challenge, another interpreter said.
"Sometimes he mumbles, sometimes he talks to himself," he said.’
Ajalyaqeen, who had to rescue the bealegured interpreter, was given the day off yesterday.
"Ten minutes with Khadafy earns you a lot of annual leave," one interpreter said.
p.s 真想看「我再也受不了了!」那一幕。上了聯合國網站看視訊,但是一直感覺不出來這句話出現在哪裡,英文報導說口譯員是以阿拉伯文講出這句話,大概是我沒聽 出來。將就看看 NY Post 剪輯的片段吧,第 6 分鐘時格達費帥氣地把小白書往後頭一甩...替手的女性口譯員反應挺明顯的,呵呵。摘自:http://gitiswoods.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-post_27.html